Publication and Conference
- Do Brown People Have Equal Rights and Opportunities in Canada? Arindam Sikdar. Link
- Epigenetic mark in micropropagated lingonberries portraying the partnership with phenotypic-phytochemical traits. Arindam Sikdar, Abir U. Igamberdiev, and Samir C. Debnath* 24th Annual Aldrich Multidisciplinary hybrid Conference 2023. In: Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Exploring genetic and epigenetic changes in lingonberry using molecular markers: Implications for clonal propagation. Umanath Sharma, Arindam Sikdar, Abir U. Igamberdiev, and Samir C. Debnath* Current issues in molecular biology 2023 -
- Epigenomic insight of lingonberry and health-promoting traits during micropropagation. Sikdar Arindam, Sharma Umanath, Barua Rajesh, Igamberdiev Abir U., Debnath Samir C. * Scientific report 2022-
- Epigenetic variation in lingonberry. Sikdar Arindam, Debnath Samir C. * Thesis Memorial University of Newfoundland 2021.
- Test for Non-Synergistic Interactions in Phytomedicine, Just as You Do for Isolated Compounds. Patel Areeba, Khan F Ali, Sikdar Arindam, Mondal Amit, Suhukla Dutt S, Khurana Sukant* Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 2018; 12:1-3.
- Raphides in Food --- An Unsafe Menu. Tripathi N, Bose C, Basu S, Das N, Maitra S, Sikdar A and Khurana S*. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology 2015, 3:2. doi:10.4172/2329-9029.1000143
- A proposal for sequential approach for arsenic removal from top---soil. Khurana S*, Jagmag SA,, Tripathi N, Sikdar Arindam, The Journal of Brief Ideas, 19 August 2015.
- Evolution in genetic terms – Is it RNA world or DNA world or is it anything else? DasNabajit*, Tripathi N, Hussain A and Sikdar Arindam, The Journal of Brief Ideas, 16 September 2015.
- A proposal to increase effectiveness of electric fence. Khurana S*, Jagmag SA,, Tripathi N, Sikdar Arindam, Basu S and Das N, The Journal of Brief Ideas, 17 September 2015.
- A case for habitat---centric conservation strategy instead of flagship---species approach. Khurana S*, Tripathi N, Basu S, Jagmag SA, Das N and Sikdar Arindam, The Journal of Brief Ideas, 17 September 2015.
- Survey of common poisonous plants of Birbhum, Burdwan and Nadia districts of West Bengal, India. Sikdar A*, Tripathi N. International Journal of Plant Research 2015; 5(5):103-106. doi:10.5923/j.plant.20150505.02
- A case for systematic study and development of Taro varieties in India. Sikdar A et al. International Journal of Bioassay 2015; 4(12): 4629-4631. ISSN: 2278-778X
- Technological Advances in Micropagation Strategies and Epigenetic Variation for the Improvement of Northern Berry Crops. Samir C. Debnath*, Amrita Ghosh, Arindam Sikdar, Umanath Sharma, Rajesh Barua, Abir U. Igamberdiev. Hortscience 2021; 56(9S) S158-S159.
- Genomic methylation levels appear adverse effect on total phenolic content between in vitro and greenhouse grown lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Arindam Sikdar, Abir U. Igamberdiev, Samir C. Debnath*. Tri-society virtual conference 2021. In Canada
- DNA methylation in micropropagated lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Arindam Sikdar, Andrei Igamberdeiv, Samir C Debnath*. 13th Annual Biology Graduate Student Symposium 2021. In: Memorial University of Newfoundland
- DNA methylation pattern in lingonberry (Vaccinium spp.) plants grown in in-vitro and greenhouse condition using methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP). Umanath Sharma, Arindam Sikdar, Abir U. Igamberdiev, Samir C Debnath. 15th International conference in science, technology, engineering and management 2019. In: Lisbon, Portugal